
Monday, April 17, 2017


Hermanita Jensen (: <3

#endHola mis amigos!

This week has been awesome!

Although we started out with some problematic bikes on Monday, by the
end of the week we had conquered every challenge we were faced with
and came out triumphant!

Daniel was confirmed on Sunday morning and it literally brought the
spirit to the meeting and made Sacrament Meeting very special. I had
the opportunity to speak and I wanted to share a few thoughts I shared
on Sunday:

We don't have to wait until Easter Sunday to celebrate the
resurrection and sacrifice of our Savior. Every week, we gather
ourselves in His name to partake of the sacrament, reminding ourselves
of the covenants we have made, and the possibilities available through
repentance. About the sacrament, Jesus Christ taught:
"Take this, and divide it among yourselves. This is my body which is
given for you: this do in remembrance of me. This cup is the new
testament in my blood, which is shed for you" (Luke 22:17-20
As we partake of the sacrament, we have time to reflect upon the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ and upon our baptismal covenant to "take
upon (ourselves) the name of (the) Son, and remember him always and
keep His commandments which He has given (us)" (Doctrine and Covenants
20:77). As we keep this promise, we receive the blessings to "always
have His Spirit to be with (us)" (Doctrine and Covenants 20:77).
To understand better the Sacrifice Jesus offered, I turned to the scriptures...
Isaiah 9:6-7
Luke 2:7
Mark 10:45
Matthew 26:39
Doctrine and Covenants 19:18
Matthew 26:49-50
Matthew 27:1-2
Matthew 27:24-26
Matthew 27:28-30
Matthew 27:50-51
John 16:20&22
Matthew 28:2-6
Doctrine and Covenants 6:37
As I read those scriptures I thought about the humility of Jesus
Christ and how, although he was the Son of God, he was humble enough
to be born in a manger and laid up in a tomb that had to be hewn out
of the stone. It made me think of the scripture in John 14:27 "peace I
leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth,
give I unto you" and about the video the church released. I love the
words. Go watch it again! #PrinceOfPeace

I want to add my witness that Christ lives and that He loves us. He
gives us peace that families are forever, that all wrongs shall be
righted in Him and that we truly have No Need to Fear.

Have a wonderful week and never forget who you are!

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